Human Resources Support Service

The CRA website provides a range of information and useful links that managers can access directly. The information available on the site includes: 

  • industrial awards and legislation, including useful articles & resource kits to inform & assist managers with compliance; 
  • work health and safety information and links;
  • superannuation;
  • public holidays;
  • tertiary education, courses and industry seminars; and
  • news and events – information on current issues impacting on the workplace.

Customised Training Programs

Commercial Radio & Audio is able to develop and conduct tailored training or seminars to assist members with workplace issues or opportunities.

Employee Relations, Training Information and Advice

Commercial Radio & Audio provides members with regular updates on all important matters impacting the industry. This includes updates on various industrial awards, legislation and various employment related issues.

Members are able to contact CRA directly for assistance and advice on the full range of employee workplace issues.

This includes:

  • employment contracts, legal obligations and responsibilities;
  • award and legislation interpretation and compliance;
  • performance counseling and conduct issues;
  • managing grievance and workplace investigations;
  • employee development and training;
  • anti-discrimination, EEO and anti-bullying;
  • work health and safety; and
  • workplace policy and procedures, templates and guidance.

Current news and articles - click here.

For more information, please contact David Fuller (HR Manager) at or 02 9281 6577.

Whistleblower Policy 

Commercial Radio & Audio is committed to conducting its business in a professional and ethical manner and has a Whistleblower Policy in place to facilitate disclosure of wrongdoing and encourage proper individual conduct.  
Whistleblowers play an important role in calling out misconduct.  The Corporations Act 2001 gives certain people legal rights and protections as whistleblowers.  You can access these protections with respect to an organisation if you, amongst other things, meet the definition of an ‘eligible whistleblower’, make a disclosure that concerns a ‘disclosable matter’ and make the disclosure to an ‘eligible recipient’.   

You can access a copy of the Policy on this page.  Further detail about whistleblower protections is available on the ASIC website -